When applying for a CPR Card you will choose your General Practitioner doctor - in general we advise you to choose one close to your accommodation. The phone number and address of your doctor will be visible on your CPR card. We advice you to memorize your CPR number, as you will be asked about it in many different situations.
In order to see a doctor you will need to make an appointment by phone. Some doctors also have an online reservation system that you can use in non-urgent situations. You will always be prompted to recite your CPR number.
If you need a specialist, your doctor will refer you to a relevant office and you will make an appointment there. That will also be covered by the insurance.
In a medical emergency, call 112 or show up at one of the emergency care rooms located in Copenhagen.
Visits to your General Practitioner Doctor, specialist doctors you've been referred to and hospitalisation are covered by your Danish health insurance.